Technical Skills

Technologies i usually use in frontend



Soft Skills

  • I'm able to Work well with others makes what we’re working on more fun, And makes people more likely to help me in the future.

  • i Can be effective part of my team and are always willing to speak up in meetings, whether they’re with staff or customers.

  • Empathize with my team allows me to fully understand the problems that they face, And find a way to make our working project work for everyone.

  • I can explain the reasons behind my decisions and do so in a non-technical way. Some people will get everything straight away, while others will need more time. Being patient with people at moments like this is crucial for teams to work well together.

  • I'm always Willing to accept new ideas, whether they’re mine or someone else’s. Even the worst ideas can inspire something great if you’re willing to consider them before dismissing them.

  • It's obvious i'm going to face a problem. It could happen on a regular basis, or it could be rare, but it will be solvable after all.